Nmap vs Unicornscan

Hi again! Whitecat here!
Today I am going to talk about unicornscan and nmap. Now as most of us know nmap is one of the best tools to be used for ethical hackers ,the reason being is that with nmap we could do so many things such as ip spoofing, port scanning and it could also know what system/firewall they are using.
Now with this I also wanted to try out using unicornscan to see what is the difference between both of them is and to see whether one of them is better than the other.
*NOTE: PORT SCANNING IS BANNED AND ILLEGAL ON CERTAIN COUNTRIES SO PLEASE DO IT WITH CAUTION. (for the examples that I am going to show below are done on a virtual machine so that it could be tested safely and without any risks)
So moving on to the test first I tried to scan the host ip using the default configurations on both tools.



As you can see, the results are actually different from each other with the result from NMAP being much more complete compared to unicorn scan

Next we are going to try the Syn scan

Just like before the Nmap was able to scan much more open ports than what unicornscan have found.

Next I wanted to try and scan what operating system is the target host currently using and surprisingly the nmap -sV scan could accurately find the correct operating system of the target which is the laptop I am currently using.

I wanted to try and compare it with unicornscan but apparently the unicorn scan version detection scan didn’t work so I skipped it for this part.

Continuing on I tried to use the ackscan on both nmap and unicornscan

The result from unicorn scan:

The result from nmap:

Next I tried to scan both with using the FIN flag scan
Both scans found that both are closed. Explain further besok.



Next I tried to use the UDP scan. In both scans they accurately scanned the open/non filtered udp port which is 137

BUT! , While being much detailed (showing the filtered ports) the nmap UDP scan actually took quite a long time on processing the scan as shown below

Unicornscan: and as shown belom , the unicornscan was actually really fast compared to the nmap UDP scan.

In conclusion I think that it is always good to when you are doing scans to try and use more than one scan so that you are able to compare the result with one another. Now for which scanner I actually prefer more, I actually prefer nmap more because I think that it is more simple and accurate and even if it is slow sometimes , with its accurate result I think it is worth the wait. While I do prefer nmap over unicornscan I think that unicornscan actually has a lot of potential but apparently because the developer has stop developing it.it didn’t receive any updates or fixes that it needed which is why error usually appear more often in unicorn such as the “dead children error” that usually appear from time to time.

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